Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nail of the Day - Chanel's Black Pearl Nail Polish

Ok, I've owned this polish since early January and I have yet to do a post on it. I know! What is wrong with me? Well, here it is! Chanel's Black Pearl!!! It's a pricey luxury which can be found at your local Chanel counter or online for the hefty price of $25.00. I received this lovely bottle as a gift and I am not going to lie, I was totally ecstatic to get it!!! How many girls can regularly afford to purchase $25.00 nail polish? I know that's not what I'm usually spending my dollars and cents on! (I haven't mastered money growing on trees yet! Ugh.)

Anyway, I applied OPI's Nail Envy as a basecoat, two coats of Chanel Black Pearl and Seche Vite topcoat. Isn't it pretty? As you can see, this color is a beautiful deep gray with a teal shimmer shot through the polish. It's gorgeous. In the light it is exquisite. The photo taken without the flash is the most true to color.

Chanel Black Pearl - Two Coats
Chanel Black Pearl - Two Coats (Without Flash)

Chanel Black Pearl with Two Coats (With Flash)

1 comment:

  1. LOVING IT!!!! Your nails look so this the nail envy?
