Sunday, November 21, 2010

Makeup and Movies: Burlesque!

I didn't have much interest when I saw the first preview of Burlesque starring Cher, Christina Aguilera, Kristen Bell, Stanley Tucci, etc., etc., etc. (FAME!) So, when I saw the trailer for this movie the second time my ears perked up when I heard icon and legend Cher say the following words...

"When you're putting on your makeup, it's like you're an artist, except instead of painting on canvas, you're painting your face." 

And that's the exact moment I decided, I must see this movie! Of course I always knew the makeup would be amazing, but the fact that Cher has a line that specifically states that makeup is a form of art made me tingle! The makeup in the movie looks fantastic! Lots of glitter, lots of red lipstick (which I adore) and lots of glam! Needless to day, don't be surprised if you see a makeup inspired tutorial coming soon!

Here are some inspirational photos, the movie poster and my favorite trailer with Cher's quote!
This movie poster should say it all about the makeup. Amazing!
Christina Aguilera with some nice 1920's reminiscent makeup...
Christina Aguilera is rocking some awesome eyelashes here!
The Always Glamorous Cher looks lovely here...
Kristen Bell has some lovely smokey makeup going on here!

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